

How to save energy costs with home battery and dynamic contract

There are several ways to save energy costs using a home battery and a dynamic contract. Here are some suggestions: Use the home battery to store excess solar energy: If you have solar panels, you can store energy generated during the day in the home battery. This can be used to power your home at […]


What is a Micro-inverter? A microinverter is a type of inverter mounted directly on each individual solar panel, rather than at a central location for the entire solar power system. This allows each solar panel to operate independently and maximize yield. There are several situations in which using microinverters can be more advantageous than using […]

MPPT trackers

What is an MPPT tracker? A Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) tracker is an electronic controller used to maximize the efficiency of solar panels by finding the point at which the panel delivers the most power. Solar panels have a specific operating voltage and current at which they produce the most power, called the Maximum […]

Purchasing energy with a “smart” inverter.

If you have a dynamic energy contract and the price of electricity is high when you use the most energy, a home battery with inverter can help lower your energy costs by storing the energy you generate during the day and using it at night when prices are higher. However, it is important to consider […]

Understanding solar panel yield

To see the output of your solar panels, you need an inverter that converts the generated direct current into alternating current and measures the output. Many inverters today have a built-in monitoring system that gives you access to yield data via an app or website. If your inverter does not have built-in monitoring, you can […]

What makes an inverter hybrid?

A hybrid inverter is an electronic device that combines several functions to provide a complex energy solution. It is a combination of a grid-connected inverter and an off-grid inverter. A grid-connected inverter converts direct current (DC) from solar panels to alternating current (AC) and feeds it back into the grid. An off-grid inverter converts DC […]

What capacity does my battery need?

It depends on the household’s energy consumption and the size of the solar array. On average, a household in the Netherlands has an energy consumption of 3500 kWh per year. If the solar panel system produces about 3 kWh per day, a household needs a battery capacity of about 11 kWh. However, it is always […]

Power outage

Using solar panels during power outages depends on the type of solar array you have. If you have solar panels with a battery system, you can use the stored energy in the batteries to power your home during power outages. If you don’t have a battery system, the energy generated by your solar panels is […]

AFCI explained in brief

Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) is a type of protection for electrical systems, specifically designed to detect and interrupt the propagation of electrical arc faults. This is important because electrical arc faults are one of the leading causes of fires in homes. AFCIs work by continuously monitoring the electrical circuit and immediately interrupting when an […]

Time is ripe for renewable energy

The time is ripe for renewable energy. In fact, you can’t avoid it anymore and making the switch is almost a necessity. Most of the reasons are familiar to everyone: The environment – you only have to flip up the newspaper and you read how bad the environment is. Think only of global warming and […]

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